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How do i get someone to stop bullying me on facebook? - Printable Version

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How do i get someone to stop bullying me on facebook? - Bubledea - 08-28-2013 10:45 AM

Im not trying to be an attention wh*re, i just want to know how to make it stop... They're messaging me and i really can't do it anymore. Please tell me how to stop it with out deleting my Facebook.

- Melinda - 08-28-2013 10:50 AM

block them or restrict your profile to just your friends

derp derp

- Tyler Carmichael - 08-28-2013 10:55 AM

Block them or send me their names. Blocking them is somewhere in the settings and means they can even search up their names. Simple, right?

- Prerak - 08-28-2013 11:08 AM

block that person and report that person to facebook team

- SteveO - 08-28-2013 11:21 AM

Block them?

- ImAskingYou - 08-28-2013 11:25 AM

Block them.

- Stevö© - 08-28-2013 11:40 AM

I believe you. Attention seekers never get to the point when they ask a question. Whereas you have.

there is a thing that looks like a padlock in FB homepage top right hand corner. click on it and at the bottom you have an icon that looks like the symbol for stop you just put there email in there to block them.

- Jonathanramos - 08-28-2013 11:47 AM

Social networks suck

- Alicia - 08-28-2013 11:54 AM

If someone is bullying you on Facebook, you need to do a few things:

1. Block them and if they come back with other names, block those names too.
2. Report each and every name to Facebook along with a "copy and paste" of the things they are saying to you, even if it's in a private message.
3. If this person or persons go to your school, print out the log of what these people are saying and bring it to the Principal of your school. Most schools have a zero tolerance for this type of thing.
4. Make your Facebook page PRIVATE. Only allow REAL friends to see you or be able to post comments or message you.

The last thing you need to remember is that when you go to school, don't show these bullies that they won by upsetting you. Hold your head up high. If they are lying about you, it doesn't matter. Your true friends know the real you. True friends are all that matter. Bullies love to see "reaction". Don't give them any. It won't be easy at first, but if it continues, it will get easier for you to ignore them.