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About this girl I messaged on facebook? - Printable Version

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About this girl I messaged on facebook? - Joe - 08-28-2013 12:24 PM

There's this really hot girl in the year below me. She doesn't know me at all, but I do have her as a friend on facebook. I messaged her saying "hi". No reply. Then I said "I'm friends with *my friend* (If you know him). Though I'd just be friendly and say hi". Both said "seen" but no reply. I'm so pissed now, and all I want is to talk to her. I'm so sad right now. Is there anyway I can just get her to talk to me for 1 minute?! or do I just leave it? I don't know why, but I'm so sad right now

- Rabinder - 08-28-2013 12:33 PM

Leave it man she ain't worth it

- Bianca - 08-28-2013 12:48 PM

She's clearly not interested. Just leave it alone. If she wanted to chat, she'd message back ._. . So leave her be lol.

- Corrupted_Fate - 08-28-2013 12:55 PM

I would just leave it, chances are she doesn't know you well enough to talk to you or she thinks you could be creeping on her

- Jesse - 08-28-2013 01:07 PM

try talking to her in person. If she doesn't know you, you're just another guy saying "hi" to her. You can be unique in person and she may see something your online profile may not show..

- Matthew - 08-28-2013 01:13 PM

Maybe talk to her at school but if u keep messaging her on facebook she will start thinking u are a bit of a creep

- Karen - 08-28-2013 01:27 PM

This happened to me a few times (I was in the girl's position) and when I didn't want to talk to them or I had a boyfriend I was talking to (literally) at the time, I just wouldn't reply.
Try smiling at her (not in a creepy way) when you next see her, or at least try to make eye contact with herSmile she will start to acknowledge you more that way
I would advise you not to message her again just yet or she might get a tad irritated or think you're strange
Good luck Smile

- Michael - 08-28-2013 01:30 PM

Don't be sad. There are lots of other really hot girls in the world- and maybe try getting to know her in person first. Electronic means of establishing relationships, in my experience, are a bad idea. You will both get a false understanding of who that other person is as you put your own thoughts and emotions into the text.

Also, there are many more important things than fb chatting up the ladies. Like being awesome. That's important too.

- Lawruh - 08-28-2013 01:42 PM

I do the same with a lot of people. I'm just not in a chatty mood at the moment, but It's not like I don't like those people. Maybe your girl does the same.
I say, comment funny or interesting things on her status, or places where she could clearly see them so she could see what you're sort of like. Or if she does any of those "Like my status for a whatever on your wall" thing, like it. It'll provoke her to talk to you when you message her.

Also, maybe she's the type of girl that doesn't like simple and plain talk like "Hi, what's up?"
She could be the kind that likes lots of playful humour. Start off a coversation with a funny pick-up line. (My favourite: Do you have 11 protons, because you are sodium fine!") but make sure she knows you're only joking. It might creep her out if you're serious.
If you really like her, keep trying but don't act crazy stalker-ish. Good luck.