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I need a pro Facebook hacker to answer this!!!!? - Printable Version

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I need a pro Facebook hacker to answer this!!!!? - Stephanie - 08-28-2013 01:48 PM

Long story short my now ex cheated on me with this girl. Well she is obsessed with her Facebook so I thought I would mess with her head through her Facebook. Somebody please help me!! I've been trying to get her password for a while and I'm clueless. I have her email and fb I.d if that helps. Please help me!!

- Sandy - 08-28-2013 01:49 PM

You're crazy, give it a rest. Your ex is to blame not her, and your going to be miserable as long as you obsess about getting revenge.

- Wei Aspire - 08-28-2013 01:55 PM

Sorry I can't help you hack into an account, even if I knew how to.

I can however, try to help you move on and find another outlet for your rage. To obsess about hacking someone is not productive to your cause. Maybe you and your ex need to talk face to face so you can get the closure you need. Get your unresolved issues by talking to him, not on the phone, but face to face, eye to eye. Get to the root cause of how things became what they are now.

Hacking someone's account for retribution may do more hard than good to you. You may be trying hard to open a can of worms, or pandora's box. It might give you more questions than answers and more pain than resolution. So don't go to that path.

- Alexandra - 08-28-2013 01:59 PM

Let it go. There is never any reason to hack someone's account.

You need to face the fact that your girlfriend left you for someone else. Move on with your life. She may be obsessed with Facebook, but YOU are obsessed with her. You're wasting too much time and energy on someone who obviously doesn't want you.

- george - 08-28-2013 02:10 PM

Obviously, your girlfriend thought this other chick was better than you. Face the fact that you lost your girlfriend and move on with your life. Don't stoop to hacking someone's account just because you got burned. Don't you have better things to do with your life?