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Why am I being labelled as weird for being a private person? - Printable Version

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Why am I being labelled as weird for being a private person? - Longwaytogo - 10-13-2012 06:26 AM

I'm 25, very extroverted and love socializing with people. I work as a social media manager so I spend all day on social networks. I find them entertaining and fun but I never share my personal life on them. I like connecting with interesting people to discuss current issues and share fun articles to read. All my friends post their vacation photos, status updates, engagement announcements, wedding and pregnancy photos and urge me to do the same, which I hate. If they're ok with it, good for them, but that's not for me. I recently got engaged to the love of my life a week ago and I've only told my best friend. I don't plan to announce it on Facebook and my fiancé and I dread the idea of a big wedding so we plan to elope. My friend told me being so secretive makes me a sociopath because deep down everyone wants to be the center of attention. I really don't. I just want to live my life, mind my business and keep my private life private. Does that make my a sociopath?

- Caleb C. - 10-13-2012 06:34 AM

It's awkward you not telling anyone..

- bl - 10-13-2012 06:34 AM

because you dont socialize with people,they might think your a spy or a private investigator.

- Insanity - 10-13-2012 06:34 AM

Sounds like you're the one on the right track. Why do you want to be an attention wh*re like all of the "facebook posers" who have to post to the world every time they sneeze or fart. You are the good one, the one I'd go care about what's real, not what other people might think of you or your life. Sociopath? Makes you a person with character, and good values. Not shallow like the attention-getters.

- Laura - 10-13-2012 06:34 AM

Wellll, then. I Guess we are ALL Sociopaths::::

I Do NOT get where she is Saying Everyone wants to be the center of attention---I guess If the shoe fits.....
JUST because you don't want anyone up in your business doesN'T mean there is something Wrong with you. Tell me Anyone, just even One, who knows EVERYthing about them;;; it's just Not going to happen. I am a Very private person and No one bothers me because they Know it.
You are extroverted when/where it Counts;;; That should be enough for everyone else.

If it will make you feel any better, when you get older, people won't be after you any more---they will have their Own problems. Just hang in there and Do NOT Concern yourself about THIS.

IF you want to Think about something, think about the wedding, house, your stuff, your husband, etc. AND, VERY GOOD LUCK and CONGRATULATIONS on Your New Life.....

- Nami - 10-13-2012 06:34 AM

idk i was like that =/

- Truth Be Told... - 10-13-2012 06:34 AM

Sociopath? No. But it IS rather strange that you don't want anyone else sharing in your joy...