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How to stop people from seeing your twitter? - Printable Version

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How to stop people from seeing your twitter? - Kikaaz - 10-13-2012 06:36 AM

Some of my family have found me on twitter and are following me, and I don't want them to because of the posts I tweet ;D
I really don't want them to see my twitter. How do I stop them from following me?
How does blocking work? When you block someone do they automatically unfollow you and will they still be able to see your profile or tweets? I don't want them to see my profile or twitter at all, is that possible?
I don't want them to know that I've blocked them either, to hurt their feelings Confused

- Reyna - 10-13-2012 06:44 AM

You can make your profile private & block them. If you block them they will know that you did. Maybe what you can do is change your name on there or something & have your profile on private so only people you want can see your tweets. Hope it helps.

- theanswer - 10-13-2012 06:44 AM

If you want to make just certain tweets private, then read the guide below.