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Is this a Fake Facebook account!? How can I prove it? - Printable Version

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Is this a Fake Facebook account!? How can I prove it? - Indie - 08-29-2013 06:29 PM

Ok so this man added me on Facebook claims he is apparently a well known tattoo artist and looking for new tattoo artists to work In his shop called 'Middlesex Ink' where people from London ink will also be working apparently at the moment he is in Ibiza on holiday and his last status was that he spent the night in jail for Harasing a police officer.
OKAY so there are so many things wrong with this story already, and what he doesn't know is that my sister owns a well known tattoo shop in London so I know a lot of background and she has employed fantastic artists from all over the world and I have seen most of there work and notice each individual has there own style. All his work is different styles each picture of work and I swear I have seen seen a lot of those pictures before.
Also the LAW in Spain is a lot different to here, I would know because my cousin once smashed a window in a hotel in Ibiza, he got his passport taken off him until he pleaded guilty and them got a whole year sentence! For criminal damage, our family went through so much to bring him home.
So I know for a fact he wouldn't of just been let out
He messaged me to ask me if I wanted to work with him when his shop opened and i asked where he would be holding interviews and he told me, so i rang the shop he told me and they said they haven't even heard of him.
He also has hardly any friends and no pictures that he's tagged in just some instagram ones of his tattoos and a very attractive man.
If your where a tattoo artist you would have a lot more friend especially if you apparently 'travel' a lot
No one messages him on Facebook or comments on his pics apart From a few young girls who sound like they know him, but they could just be very gullible.

I would of just left it and let the pathetic person get on with it, but then he actually posted a photo I knew very well, one of my sister best work! Claiming it was his!
I thought about all the other artists who's work he has up claiming its his, and its really getting to me!

How can I prove he's fake!

- GagaMinajFan - 08-29-2013 06:31 PM

Just report him

- Retarded - 08-29-2013 06:32 PM

forget about it bro, hes prolly just a pedofile looking for sum action, just give him ur granmas number

- abraXus - 08-29-2013 06:35 PM

you cannot prove a negative

- Daniel - 08-29-2013 06:46 PM

You Cant Prove a Fake Account Unless you Actually Know Who The Real Person is if you Know Who the Real Person Is All you Can Do is Report the Profile as Being Fake and Get Other People to Do It

- Kittysue - 08-29-2013 06:50 PM

You already proved it by calling the shop and they confirmed they had never heard of him, and the fact he is passing off your sister's work as his own. I don't know how much more proof you need
Block and report him