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She Did Not Accept My Friend Request At First, So Why Now? - Printable Version

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She Did Not Accept My Friend Request At First, So Why Now? - radius - 08-29-2013 07:17 PM

I added this girl I went to elementary school and high school with on facebook 6 months ago. She ignored my request. We were never close and barely spoke. I even saw her a year ago at the mall and she walked by me like she didnt see me. I started following her on Instagram 2months ago and she followed back.

She will like my throwback baby pictures and my funny post but not current pics of me. I got a notification on my phone tuesday night saying that she accepted the request. She knows me so I cant say she didn't accept it first cause she didnt know how I was.

- Diana - 08-29-2013 07:29 PM

ask her. thats really the only way to know for sure.