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Should I add him again on facbook? - Printable Version

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Should I add him again on facbook? - Hawaii Girl - 08-29-2013 11:18 PM

He unfriended me. Long story short (well it might be long though but please read). I met him on gaiaonline. I read his 'about me'. I had 3 out of the 4 nationalities he had which was cool to me so I added him. Then later, for this game, I was meant to send this message anonymously but I forgot to. I was freakin' worried. But he was cool with it. We ended up chatting. Later, I checked his profile. He had his name to find him on facebook. I asked him if he don't mind if I add him on fb. He was like, "Haha. Ya. (something like that)." But I didn't add him right away. I waited like 3 weeks. I never added someone I didn't know before (okay, maybe twice, but it was an accident). I had to do allot of thinking about this. And I wasn't rushing this. I later made up my mind to add him. I messaged him on facebook saying, "Hey this is __________ from gaia," so he knows who I am. Some of you may not know but there's an 'Other' index on facebook where those who aren't your friends/didn't add you messages go to. So ya, I don't know if he read the message. 'Cause messages that go to the 'Other' index don't notify you. I added him. He accepted it. We never said anything after that. 2 months went by. But yesterday, I found out he unfriended me. I felt a little awkward about it. It was a stupid mistake to add him; I don't know. Most likely I won't add him back. So, what do you think? What are your thoughts about this.
He's 19 I think. He's close to my age.
Ya. I saw his fb. He just a guy going to collage.
I was kind of unsure about adding him on fb in the first place even though he seem like a very nice guy.
He was like, "If you want to find me on facebook, here's my name_________________." He even put his full name.
I'm not sensitive. I just feel bad and kind of awkward. Mix feelings?

- Smarty Pants - 08-29-2013 11:26 PM

You never met the guy. He is just a guy that is possibly an 80 year old man for all you know. Don't add him back. That will do you no good. Smile

- Idk Man - 08-29-2013 11:29 PM

He might have unfriended you because you weren't talking or maybe he felt uncomfortable towards your whole friendship and he didn't want to be close on Facebook just on gaiaonline. Or maybe his parents found out he adds people he doesn't know in real life. You never know why. But that doesn't matter. I personally think that if he unfriended you, you should just accept the fact that he did. Because if you re-add him, you might be pushing him and he will feel extremely uncomfortable. This is life. You shouldn't feel down because of this. If he doesn't want to add you on Facebook, it's his decision honestly, as harsh as it sounds. I wish you the best of luck! x

- Martin - 08-29-2013 11:33 PM

There's no point in adding back him again. Since you first knew him because of gaiaonline leave it as it is your friends in that onlinegame right i bet he just want to clear his friends list with people he really know(I always clear friends in facebook because i need friends in some games in facebook).

To make the story short DON'T bother.