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Facebook help? 10 points? - Printable Version

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Facebook help? 10 points? - Mai Umino - 08-30-2013 06:25 AM

A have a couple friends who I don't want to block because I know them from school, but their constantly trying to friend all of my friends, even people from other states they don't know, and it's pretty irritating. They've said stupid things like their competing with me, and said they want as many of my mutual friends as they can get lord knows why.. but I don't want to just completely block my friends list from everyone seeing, so I was wondering if anyone knows ow you can block your friends list for just certain people? Thanks will pick best answer for 10 points <3

- Campbell - 08-30-2013 06:41 AM

Just ignore them they are just being stupid teenage girls - ignore them and you'll be fine

- Mickel - 08-30-2013 06:51 AM

1. Open your friendslist
2. Click at the right-top on the pencil button.
3. At 'Who can see your friend list?' you can choose 'Public, Friends, Only Me or Custom'.
4. After choosing, just click on 'Close' and facebook will save the new settings.

- Marquise Bristav - 08-30-2013 06:55 AM

I am not sure if this is possible. but I will get back here if I could find a solution for this.

- ynot - 08-30-2013 07:11 AM

Yes, you can actually.
Go to your profile > Friends > Edit > Edit Privacy >
Friend List > Under Share this with > Click Specific people or list >
Under don't share this with > Save changes

Good luck~

- Jodie - 08-30-2013 07:17 AM

1. Open your friendslist
2. Click at the right-top on the pencil button.
3. At 'Who can see your friend list?' you can choose 'Public, Friends, Only Me or Custom'.
4. After choosing, just click on 'Close' and facebook will save the new settings.

Good luck with ur friends!!!! Smile