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My Online Group of Friends have too much Drama, Help!? - Printable Version

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My Online Group of Friends have too much Drama, Help!? - Mathias - 08-30-2013 01:46 PM

Im a very social person who uses a lot of time on the computer aswell...
and as such i have a group of friends who i allways skype and game with on typically 5-6 persons. and the odd 2-3 who join now and then but arent there the whole time.

the last few months we've had some insane amount of drama... over everything. every game we play. and also about every person in the call... theres gossip and such.

its mainly 2 ppl who keep falling out with eachother. and it kinda goes to the rest of us. and we're all tired of the drama.
it just seems like some of the people in the group takes everything personal. when we dont ress someone instantly in a game and such. instead of brushing it off they become emo, and can leave the skype call and just ignore the rest...

is this just cuz they have low self esteem? theres a big variety in the self-esteem department. where some of us are just plain better than the rest at the games. we also have a more lively Real life. and i've been thinking its an issue with some of us have high self-esteem and therefore we like to say to the other people that they suck and such in a jokingly manner. but sometimes it gets taken personally by a few of the people in the group.

if anyone can help it would be great.

PS. alot of them know eachother IRL aswell. as in they all come from england and are childhood friends. even tho they dont see eachother every day. they might see eachother once a month or so.

TL;DR: lots of drama in a online group of friends from different countries. need help with getting rid of it.
its not just one big drama. its small arguments and shit all the time ._. it didn't use to be there. and i dont really feel like just leaving them since we've been gaming together ( atleast the core of the group ) for a good 2-3 years now. been through many games together like wow, Spiral knights, Guild wars 2, Swtor. and League of legends. and we keep trying out new games together. so its not just like some people on my friendlist in a random game Tongue

- Bradley - 08-30-2013 01:55 PM

I don't know that it's low self esteem. I'm not totally sure what your problem is however it seems that you're annoyed about the drama and rightly so and want a solution. Firstly, it is not 42 nor is it fish, gotta get that out there, thought fish is good.

I don't know your exact situation but when I game with friends it is usually understood that if I'm healer I may or may not res you until I think it is worthwhile or safe, and it's just a given. Yes some people will get butthurt over it, but they should get over it.

I'd suggest trying to either get them to get together out of game and talk about it, or just stop gaming with them for a while so you can get over it, maybe they'll get over it, maybe they won't. But this sorta thing is up to you, since no one on the interwebs really knows your friends.