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Suspecting my girlfriend is cheating on me through Facebook any way I can get access or know a company/person? - Printable Version

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Suspecting my girlfriend is cheating on me through Facebook any way I can get access or know a company/person? - Roy - 08-30-2013 04:19 PM

looking for someone who can get access to her facebook account. Ive been told by my friends to watch out for her but I overlooked at what they said. Now im getting bothered and really want to know if she's cheating. Is there any company or person that can access?

- wyne - 08-30-2013 04:26 PM

Easy. If you have access to her computer, you can install a remote monitoring software. You can see exactly what her screen is every time you are monitoring. Some remote monitoring software has a recording feature. You can record a entire 10 days worth of screen and have the file up loaded to an internet server for your later viewing.

- Daniel - 08-30-2013 04:30 PM

Dont Access Her Facebook Account thats Wrong and Not Legal if you Dont Trust Her than Dont Be With Her

- Ben - 08-30-2013 04:35 PM

I agree with others, if you are so bothered that she is cheating on you then dump her and move on. BUT it is not always that easy, if she is hot and good to you then it might be worth the trouble to find out whether you might just be kind of paranoid to...

I wouldnt go directly through facebook because if you try to hack into her account or have someone do it for you she might catch on to it and will backfire on you. You could always check her phone when she is not around and see if she is cheating on you in her text or online stuff on her phone but most of the time she will have erased it or have the phone locked from you.

I had a close buddy of mine in your same situation, he suspected his GF was cheating but wasnt sure about her and he couldnt just walk away because she was drop dead gorgeous and from what he told me treated him really good and was awesome in the sack, so he did some research on her beast he could and resorted to installing an app on her phone to track her calls and text etc.

He used this one that runs in the background of the cell phone etc and stays invisible while recording the person and their activity on their cell phone and it works with all of the newer ones (ie iphone, androids, blackberry etc):

Long story short she was in fact messing around with not 1 but two other guys, 1 from where she worked and one she met somewhere in the street etc and she was sleeping with one guy and about to make plans with the second before my buddy approached her and busted her big time, i wish i could of been there to see the look on her face when he had all the proof in her face and she couldnt deny anything...

better to find out then instead of asking to marry her and find out she is a scumbag years later right. well best of luck to you buddy hope you find out,,,