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why on earth should employers label you suspicious if you don't have facebook? - Printable Version

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why on earth should employers label you suspicious if you don't have facebook? - HorribleHistories - 08-30-2013 09:20 PM

I read an article on the internet that said facebook abstainers could be labelled as suspicious. What is this world coming to? isn't it the persons choice, and what is so wrong with not having one. I don't have one and im happy!

- ceece - 08-30-2013 09:36 PM

If you don't follow the majority, then you are an INDIVIDUAL.....minority's make up the world too...= )

- Matt - 08-30-2013 09:51 PM

Probably because they cannot see your life, so therefore they conclude that you are doing things or have a "secretive" life. In reality, most times, you just don't want a Facebook.

- Aaron - 08-30-2013 10:00 PM

yea I second that I dont have facebook I have a lot more time to do proactive things not too mention most of the people on there don't really have anything to say except the same rotation of blabbering over and over amazing how much people rely on facebook its obscene really remember the days when we used our mobiles to call people an when we used the internet for educational or entertainment purposes and that is why I don't have a Facebook account its over rated and a waste of our time on this earth Smile

- alk99 - 08-30-2013 10:11 PM

I think it is getting too out of hand myself. It is probably being seen now that people that do not have Facebook are being "anti-social" . I have facebook, BUT, I only use it for the instant messenger... I am lucky if I look at my home page more than a few times a year. I don't feel I'm being anti-social... I just don't feel that everyone needs to know what I am doing or plan to do or have done... every minute of my day. I feel that if a friend wants to know what I am up to, they should come over for a visit, sit down with me and enjoy a cold drink on the front porch with me while we chat face - to - face. In my book, that is what being social is about, being an actual presence in anothers real life. Society is forgetting about the simpler things that social beings need to be healthy... face to face interaction, where you can talk to each other and know that a person is sincere and has no ill will (is "right" in the head).

- NYC po - 08-30-2013 10:25 PM

Because they have bought into the big LIE. Find another employer who sees fakebook for what it is, nothing.

- Daniel - 08-30-2013 10:28 PM

They Cant Label you Suspicious Facebook is a Choice if you Want to Have one Go Have One if you Dont Than Dont Its That Simple