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Why did he remove me as a friend on facebook? - Printable Version

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Why did he remove me as a friend on facebook? - Kells - 08-31-2013 11:12 PM

So i have a guy friend, who has become pretty close. We talk regularly and share the same interests. The last time i saw him i had WAY too much to drink and we kissed, then some people came over, and he left my place on good terms, I then kissed his friend that same night. Now when i got onto facebook and tried going to his page, he has removed me as a friend. I am wondering why? Does he hate me for how i acted when i was drunk? I thought he left and we were on good terms????
BUT! We were not even close in THAT way... i actually met HIM through a guy i used to kind of see... ugh it's so weird, and he even is back with his ex now so i know he doesnt' think of me in that way

- Eiruto - 08-31-2013 11:20 PM

Probably reacted badly on the way you acted. You should try talking to him in person.

- Jesse Barrows - 08-31-2013 11:32 PM

Good terms? Sounds like he had doughts about you and set ya up to see how kuch u like him once u kissed his friend his friend told him what happend and and he just gave up on you want advice go talk to him he just doesnt want to be hurt anymore

- Rahim Babu - 08-31-2013 11:42 PM

u wanna make a new account and send him friend request