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How much did social media play a role in the recent "occupy" protests AND the arab spring? - Printable Version

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- Arthur W - 10-13-2012 07:39 AM

They say facebook and other internet sites enable the youth to rally support and stage mass protests in Tunisia, Egypt,Libya and Syria

- news junkie - 10-13-2012 07:39 AM

A big part. People were able to find out where to meet easily and quickly. Any social website or instant messenger programme could be used. Cameron even considered shutting down the internet in UK during the riots.

- R3b3l - 10-13-2012 07:39 AM

Media is mainly propaganda for the west and anything they report is in favour of zionazi agendas.

- Tom B - 10-13-2012 07:39 AM

Social media allows for unfiltered news to be broadcast. One of the best forms of social media is using videos. Since most cell phones now have video, people can video tape events that they are at, such as 'Occupy Wall St' and broadcast to their friends. Their friends can then share with their friends and this information can now travel faster than ever before. While news stations would prefer not to cover stories of protesting against the system (it upsets their shareholders), people can now spread news without using traditional media. Therefore, were it not for video and social media, items like the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street, may have been swept under the rug.