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Have I been blocked or has he deactivated his facebook account? Read more...? - Printable Version

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Have I been blocked or has he deactivated his facebook account? Read more...? - I_GOT_THE_ANSWER - 09-02-2013 05:17 PM

Hey guys.
I am a little bit confused, what is the difference between blocking someone and them deactivating their account. Below is a description of all the factors i have found out and could you please tell me whether he has blocked me or whether he has deactivated his account? :
- In messages, I can still see our conversations but he has the default profile picture (the one you get before you first add your custom pic) and his name appears in black and un-hyperlinked text.
- When I do a search for him, I can find him with his custom profile pic but cannot access his profile, but when I search on my friends list, he does not appear on there.
- I have a decoy account and all my mutual friends still have him, but he doesn't appear on my friends list.
- I asked someone to check if they can still access his profile, and they can but i cant.

Has he blocked me or deactivated his account????


- Susan - 09-02-2013 05:20 PM

Looks like you're blocked I'm afraid...

- Jan409 - 09-02-2013 05:23 PM

If others can still access his profile then it's not deactivated
Sadly it seems that he's blocked you

- Eire98 - 09-02-2013 05:36 PM

he's blocked you i'd say.

- St.3240 - 09-02-2013 05:46 PM

Yes he has.

If he deactivated his account then he would still appear on your friends but with a black and white photo like you said, when someone blocks you, they completely disappear off your friends list.