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Is it true that hashtags were added to facebook? - Printable Version

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Is it true that hashtags were added to facebook? - ILY - 09-02-2013 07:46 PM

Everyone on facebook is like omg they added hashtags to facebook. What do they mean like is there a way to search a hashtag like on instagram?

- Cameron - 09-02-2013 07:52 PM

Facebook no. Instagram yes

- abraXus - 09-02-2013 08:03 PM

yes, facebook recently added hashtags

they dont work on all phones yet tho - but if you use a computer, they work just fine

- AwkwardTurtle42 - 09-02-2013 08:15 PM

Yes, Facebook has hashtags now. They're being rolled out bit by bit so it'll be a couple of weeks until everyone can use them though.

- Garfield - 09-02-2013 08:19 PM

How to Link Twitter to Facebook With Hashtag. If you're using social media to promote your business and enhance your customers' experience, it pays to spend ...

- Dilshan - 09-02-2013 08:30 PM

How to Link Twitter to Facebook With Hashtag. If you're using social media to promote your business and enhance your customers' experience, it pays to spend ...

- Sreedev Sharma - 09-02-2013 08:31 PM

Yup! Facebook officially released #hashtag support.
It will work on statuses as well as comments too.
And of course, you can search for hashtag in your search bar. You have to put '#' symbol before entering the keyword, it will show others talking about the same thing.

Hope this helps! (: