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My boyfriend messaged a girl on Facebook? - Printable Version

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My boyfriend messaged a girl on Facebook? - thunderingmother999 - 09-03-2013 12:33 AM

So me and my boyfriend have just came back from a lovely holiday and are now saving to buy a house together. We've been together for over two years and are very happy together. 8 months ago I found a message on Facebook to one of his girl friends and asked if she wanted to go back to his and spend the night. I was devasted about this and confronted my boyfriend, he promised nothing happened between the them and nothing came from the message. I know he loves me and I have finally began to trust him again and we're closer than ever! Am I being silly trusting him again? He's still friends with this girl but assures me he does not have any attraction to her and wouldn't cheat.

- curvedbike024 - 09-03-2013 12:36 AM

try setting something up. don't look through his things, it'll provoke him to be more sly if he IS cheating. just confront him about it, and if he truly loves you and understands, he will stop contact with her.

- kyle - 09-03-2013 12:44 AM

Well it doesn't matter now if your boyfriend is a really good friend to this girl and he is close to her something could happen between the both of them but if you still love him and your close to him well of course you can trust him

- Paz - 09-03-2013 12:48 AM

Sounds suspicious.. So if he didn't tell you that he spent the night with another girl doesn't that sound abit weird? It seems like something really did happen even if they are close friends still they might end up liking eachother and want to be in a relationship which means leaving you? I think you need to talk about it with your boyfriend, be honest and tell him how you feel you shouldn't let him get away with it

- Mick Janchura - 09-03-2013 01:01 AM

shag one of his best mates and let him brag about it so the word gets round

- Fartso - 09-03-2013 01:07 AM

I'm guessing you're not giving him enough sex? That's what happens. Your fault.