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Why do girls post the most retarded $#!% on Facebook!? - Printable Version

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Why do girls post the most retarded $#!% on Facebook!? - Johnny - 09-03-2013 01:40 AM

The majority of girls on Facebook post the most retarded, annoying ****. They always post very stupid status's like "everything happens for a reason." "don't like me? Don't talk to me, think I'm ugly? Dont look at me. Don't know me? Don't judge me." ect you know what I mean. They also always put the most ridiculous caption on their photos that have nothing to do with the photo they uploaded. They also use Facebook to cry about their problems and post status That is specifically meant for one person. Am I the only one that think girls are annoying on Facebook? What do you think? And girls why are you so annoying on Facebook?

- Guillermo - 09-03-2013 01:54 AM

They have nothing better to do. As for us guys we do other stuff than be on facebook like play video games.

- Bob - 09-03-2013 01:58 AM

Don't like it, don't go onto Facebook. Problem solved.

- Alex - 09-03-2013 02:06 AM

Its fb people like stupid stuff.

- Lauryn - 09-03-2013 02:19 AM

Girls want to get there point across to all there friends and that's just a way to do it. I have many friends on Facebook so I see it and as a girl I can see what they are saying. Don'tt like it then don't go on Facebook or don't add girls on your friends list. And yes you are the only one that finds it annoying. When I do if boys like ny status
Dint mean to be rude if it comes across that way

- abraXus - 09-03-2013 02:24 AM

they do it for attention
they are trying to appear popular

a lot of them vaugebook to make people talk to them because they are bored

- WTFchuck - 09-03-2013 02:36 AM

Not just girls. People use that site for attention. Nothing more. Their lives are just as boring now as before they used it.

- Leaf - 09-03-2013 02:45 AM

I see guys posting stupid things about swag, yolo, and all that.