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How long does it take for a Facebook picture to delete? - Printable Version

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How long does it take for a Facebook picture to delete? - xannaaa - 09-03-2013 05:02 AM

My friend added some pics from a party and one of them was so horrible of me that I asked her to delete it, normally I don't care but this one was particularly bad, she said "yeah sure" and then a few moments later said that it had been done. However, the picture is still in the photo album and still visible to others browsing through the pictures. I have already untagged myself and removed it from my timeline by the way, it just bothers me that it's still there for people to see. Does it take a certain amount of time to delete from the album and become non-visible anymore? Or has she just not deleted it? I don't want to have to be a pain and ask again...

- ? - 09-03-2013 05:13 AM

Either she didn't delete it or your server is slow. When a picture on face books deletes for me, it takes a few minutes to completely go away on albums and such.

- Bruce - 09-03-2013 05:21 AM

you can report it.ten fb will delete it its own