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Can I sue over Facebook Post? - Printable Version

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Can I sue over Facebook Post? - April May - 09-03-2013 06:19 AM

My ex-sister in law called CPS on me. I said nothing to her but did mention to my childrens father, her brother, what was happening. The CPS report is complete, allegations were unsubstantiated. She called just to be hateful. Now she is posting threatening comments on Facebook using my first and last name. My teenage kids have seen them, their friends have seen them. The posts are very scary. Help! Can I sue her?

- Jorge - 09-03-2013 06:23 AM

...restraining order?

- ShadowMaster Lupin - 09-03-2013 06:40 AM

Call your local police and have them investigate it.

- Ketchum - 09-03-2013 06:53 AM

Can you sue and unless she has money and valuable assets it wouldn't be worth it to do so even if you could.

Your best shot is to call the police because you feel scared for your life. If she is threatening you print these off and file a complaint against her. The police can decide if you need to have a restraining order as well.

Have your kids and their friends block her and any post that you see click the "report" button and report it to facebook so that her profile can be shut down by the facebook team.

Good luck and hope this helps Smile