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I Never Liked This Page On Facebook and Every time I Unlike It, It Shows Up Again? - Printable Version

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I Never Liked This Page On Facebook and Every time I Unlike It, It Shows Up Again? - Kitty :3 - 09-03-2013 12:36 PM

So their is this darn page on Facebook called 'Cheer Portal' I don't even know what that is. So, I just went to the page and un-liked it. (That was around a week ago). But every day the darned page shows up in my News Feed. And I go to the page and it says I liked it, and then I unlike it. I know I unliked it because it gave me the option of liking the page. Just to make sure I wasn't messing up unliking pages I went to other pages I liked and unliked those and sure enough I didn't get those in my News Feed. I didn't report the page but I gave it feed back or whatever. But I highly doubt Facebook will get back to me any time soon.

- Frenkli - 09-03-2013 12:39 PM

It's possible Facebook could of blocked your account for some reason . I'm not an expert on this but try unliking it as much as you can if you continue to have problems go on Facebooks help section maybe someone who has gone through this problem can help you.