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Question about Facebook privacy? - Printable Version

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Question about Facebook privacy? - AdamLambertGurl - 09-03-2013 12:54 PM

Ok so my boyfriends parents are being really nosey and saying crap about what I post to MY facebook saying it's hurting my boyfriends chances of finding a job. Well the thing is I have my stuff set to private whenever I post something and his stuff is set to private when something goes on his wall or he posts something. His parents are making him paranoid about it saying that companies he applies at have bots that hack your facebook without you knowing to see what type of stuff you post. That's illegal for them to do right?

- Foley - 09-03-2013 01:06 PM

If everything is private (and you have to be careful... make sure everything is set to friends only), all posts that you make on your wall, and all posts he makes on his wall are private. Can't be viewed, no jobs are hacking your profile or using bots. Any time you post to another persons page though, their settings might be different from yours, it might not be private. Either way, it's smart not to post ANYTHING online you wouldn't want your employer, your school, anyone seeing. That is just being smart. You never know when something you post might come back to bite you in the butt.