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What Does It Mean If Someone Sees Your Facebook Message? - Printable Version

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What Does It Mean If Someone Sees Your Facebook Message? - ? - 09-04-2013 01:30 AM

But They Don't respond...Why Do they bother seeing it?

- BellaSwan112 - 09-04-2013 01:43 AM

Because otherwise its like an unread notification in Facebook

- Tricia - 09-04-2013 01:52 AM

It means they read it they might just be ignoring you or they don't know what to say beck yet or they quickly read it and continued to do what they were doing before there are a lot of reasons why the would read it and not answer

- avemanoe - 09-04-2013 02:01 AM

Messages in Facebook is something private the only one who can see them is the owner of the account.(the one that have the email and password)
so keep it private and don't give your password to anyone.

- Jan409 - 09-04-2013 02:08 AM

They either don't want to reply, or they are still thinking of what to write as a reply
They see it and read because you've sent it to them
They really can't avoid seeing it as they'll get a notification that they have a message

- Daniel - 09-04-2013 02:21 AM

It Means They Read the Message just Have Not Wrote Back Yet Some People Will Read Messages and Than Reply Back Later so Its Possible They May Write Back Later