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She hasn't even opened my facebook message? - Printable Version

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She hasn't even opened my facebook message? - Drivedwn - 09-04-2013 05:01 PM

Ive sent this girl a message who is kinda interested in me about 24 hrs ago. Still no reply? What shocks me the most is that she hasn't actually opened the message to look at it, where's I'd be curious to see what has been sent ( the 'seen' or tick hasn't appeared yet)
Possibility she hasn't received? She's been active throughout the day but nothing thus far.

- H - 09-04-2013 05:09 PM

Some people don't live for facebook. They don't like texts.

If you want to talk to her...TALK to her. Get to know her in person and learn to communicate better.

- Jess - 09-04-2013 05:17 PM

She may have received it but the red email box may not of notified her, either that or she has been busyish and only checked her news feed every so often x

- Gemma - 09-04-2013 05:29 PM

Don't look to much into it, like you say she might not have received it. I'd give it a couple of days so you don't sound desperate then just ask her something casual, such as asking her how she is. Don't rush it otherwise you might spoil it. Good things are worth waiting for, good luck.

- First - 09-04-2013 05:37 PM

She can read it
but not open it