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How does Facebook know where I am when I don't check in? - Printable Version

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How does Facebook know where I am when I don't check in? - Thirsty When Lying - 09-04-2013 05:25 PM

So I'm at the mall in my city, with my cell (iPhone 5). I get a fb update that my sister is near me. She had checked into a store that was near me.

But since i never checked in anywhere how'd fb know we were close?!

- Ben - 09-04-2013 05:40 PM

Probably because your FB app has access to all of your phone's features, including GPS. Effectively, your phone is a minute-by-minute spy for them into your personal life, whether you use it or not.

- Applied - 09-04-2013 05:42 PM

Because your GPS is on. You can turn it off by going Settings>Privacy>Location Services