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how often do you check your facebook? - Printable Version

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how often do you check your facebook? - Ann - 09-04-2013 07:04 PM

leave it open, every day, or less? how often? AND what's your age?

- Aldatra - 09-04-2013 07:09 PM

I leave it open and check when im free. Every 20 mins
Im 19 yrs of age

- Donnalyn - 09-04-2013 07:21 PM

Every day

- rOUnaK - 09-04-2013 07:27 PM

I am 16 years old and I check my Facebook leaves it open and check for 5 mins in every 60 minutes !!

- Sereid - 09-04-2013 07:42 PM

I used to leave it open and check it every day several times a day. Then I realized that I didn't care what people were doing ever second of their lives and they probably didn't care what I was doing. So, I closed my Facebook account (as much as you can really close it) and never went back. I am now learning to play the piano with my new found time. I've even made new REAL LIVE friends who want me to, uhm, join Facebook, but, I won't.

Twenty years from now, you'll never get that time back. Was it worth it?

- Maryse Yung - 09-04-2013 07:44 PM

Checks multiple times an hour for like 2 mins unless there's something interesting going on. 14 years old.

- Big Mo - 09-04-2013 07:59 PM

I check it everyday and mess around on it for about an hour. Age...36.

- Sassylover - 09-04-2013 08:10 PM

Im addicted to fb. there should be Facebook rehab