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What is matter with FACEBOOK!!??? HELP KEEPS CRASHING!!!? - Printable Version

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What is matter with FACEBOOK!!??? HELP KEEPS CRASHING!!!? - ilove1D - 09-04-2013 07:07 PM

facebook has been playing up lately
whenever i go on that site , it always freezes , stops responding and the whole browser doesnt work , i always have to wait and turn it off
restarted the computer , it keeps happening Ive also used different browers
other sites work as normal expect for this one
but yesterday i searched it on google and other people have also been experiencing this problem
Everything is installed in the computer that is needed to run facebook and detect viruses

what do i do? have you been experiencing these problems , what have yo done? what shall i do? contact facebook , wait? what can i do??

thank for all advice

- abraXus - 09-04-2013 07:17 PM

keep in mind that browser extensions and toolbars can also cause these problems, and a virus scanner wont detect those things, because they arent viruses

look up superantispyware and have that scan your system after you uninstall any toolbars and browser extensions

do you know how to check your task manager for cpu usage for each running task? i would check that too when you have problems... if your browser is running over 500k of mem or using more than 50% of cpu then your computer might not have enough ram or free hand drive space

another possible problem is that you have too many programs running at the same time - how old is your computer? how much ram do you have? are you using torrents to download copywritten music?

there's a million possible reasons for this, but the problem isnt facebook, it's your computer - facebook is running just fine for me, and has been all day and all night