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I wont to change my facebook name can you halp me? - Printable Version

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I wont to change my facebook name can you halp me? - Sorab - 09-05-2013 12:44 AM

- madan - 09-05-2013 12:48 AM

Yes you can fb click on setting. Open general. Setting. Click on the name. And change

- Max - 09-05-2013 01:00 AM

Want* - Help*

- Shani 945 - 09-05-2013 01:04 AM

Open your Internet browser and go to the Facebook homepage (see Resources).

Enter your email address and Facebook password in the upper-right corner of the Web page. Click "Login" to go to your profile page.

Click "Account" in the upper-right corner of the Web page to open a drop-down menu. Click "Account Settings."

Select the "Settings" tab and then click "Change" to the right of "Username."

Enter your first, middle or last name in the fields beneath the "Name" section. Click the drop-down menu to the right of "Full Name Appears As:" to select how your name appears. Click "Save Changes."

Enter an "Alternate name" to allow friends to search for you via a nickname or maiden name. Checking the box next to "Include this name on my profile" will visibly add the alternate name to your profile. Click "Save Changes."

Tips & Warnings
It make take up to 24 hours for Facebook to review your name change and approve it so it it appears on your profile.

- Manas - 09-05-2013 01:19 AM

if you want to change your facebook name then go to your facebook page,then find the edit profile in your time-line.then change the name you want to.its is very simple

- withaC - 09-05-2013 01:33 AM

Sorab, you WANT to change your FB name? OK, I can help you ---> see the Source below and I hope this helps.

- Siddharth - 09-05-2013 01:45 AM

Just open this ---->

- Pavan kumar - 09-05-2013 01:57 AM

Go to profile page and change your information there

- Kumar - 09-05-2013 02:08 AM

Yes you can fb click on setting. Open general. Setting. Click on the name. And change

- Angeleyes - 09-05-2013 02:23 AM

Go to your Account Settings, clickon your Name and then click change.