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Why Facebook is such a hypocrit? - Printable Version

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Why Facebook is such a hypocrit? - asd - 09-05-2013 02:34 AM

I want to disable Facebook People I may know feature! When so many people are asking for a ban or stop of it why dont facebook listens to these?? I am a web programmer myself & I find this very very silly .On one hand ,you block me for a month for adding someone I dont know ,then on the other hand you keep alive a concept like this popping out every now and then like fishes in water luring to add more people. Is this some kind of trick to show to the world that facebook is a better social site than orkut & others? I find Orkut more user-friendly than facebook. Had Yahoo not closed their chatrooms even that was better than using facebook and seeing annoying people " you dont want to see" through "people i know" feature in facebook. It should be renamed as "PEOPLE YOU DONT KNOW" RATHER THAN "PEOPLE YOU MAY KNOW"
On one hand it allows me to add other unknown persons through it's idiotic and silly to say the least "People you may know" feature and on another hand it blocks me for a month or two.
Hundreds of people dont like it. They are just not posting that !! Idiot see this link -

- Max Payne - 09-05-2013 02:46 AM

I never had any problem with it since 5yrs so i like it so it should not be banned just coz you don't like it.

- Mohammed Thalha - 09-05-2013 03:01 AM

Every technology has Pros and Cons.. Try looking the brighter side of it.. Like you can connected with some of your old school friends etc etc.. Try using it as Stress buster. Rather than letting it get inside your head.! Even still you don't like there is always a LOG OUT button.. Wink Chill Smile

- WRERW - 09-05-2013 03:03 AM

Hi Thlha,
I agree that it has its positive sides but there should always be some option of blocking a particular feature.