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What does "active now" mean on fb? - Printable Version

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What does "active now" mean on fb? - :s - 09-05-2013 04:28 AM

So.. i download messenger on my phone and am wondering when the timestamp of people "active now" or active x minutes ago actually mean they ARE TALKING through private messages? Does it mean they are talking to other people when active now is under their name?

- Abbie1 - 09-05-2013 04:33 AM

It means that the account is currently active.

- Nicole - 09-05-2013 04:41 AM

Yes, it means they are interacting with other people and are currently available to talk to Smile

- Nicolas - 09-05-2013 04:50 AM

It means that they were on the Facebook app 3 minutes ago or they are on the Facebook app right now. It shows the last time they were on, look at it this way John was on face book 3 minutes ago. John is active now(meaning hes on Facebook)

- john - 09-05-2013 04:54 AM

Active Now means that they are currently doing something on Facebook and not away from Facebook or offline. They could be chatting, scrolling down their news feed, and God knows what else!
If you have any other questions, Google it. Google is your friend!