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Girls: What if a guy doesn't want to get to know you on facebook? - Printable Version

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Girls: What if a guy doesn't want to get to know you on facebook? - The major J chord - 09-06-2013 08:28 AM

So, i like this girl but i decided not to add her on facebook cause i don't want to get to know her on facebook. I want to talk to her face to face. I won't see her for a couple of months so it's even harder. I just love the way her face turns red when i talk to her, and the way she smiles. On facebook, i can't see that. Any tips?

- Elana - 09-06-2013 08:33 AM

Let her be friends with you or shell think you dont like her

- gregory - 09-06-2013 08:47 AM

Just sit back and listen to my advice, take it to heart. I'll have her drooling at your feet in no time. First off you need to change your appearance and get an ego. Go to Salvation Army and buy a jogging jacket and some jogging pants. Get a sweatband and put it on your forehead. Go buy some gold bling and put it around your neck. Go to your local grocery store and stick a cucumber down your pants. Hold your chin up high and stick your chest out like a macho man with the mindset that your poop doesn't stink. Women want a man with some self confidence.

- unknown friend - 09-06-2013 08:49 AM

Send her an email stating what you just told us. That will let her know she means more to you then just another Facebook contact and make her feel good.

It will let her know that you like her in the real world not just the make believe cyber world where you hide behind screens.