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What are some Good Lms Fill outs for Facebook? - Printable Version

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What are some Good Lms Fill outs for Facebook? - Aurora - 09-06-2013 11:25 AM

I Love doing them! i want to find more Options for it i have these so far:
-How we met:
-What your name would be in my phone :
-Who you are to me:
-One Word That describes you:
-What i dislike about you:
-Favorite memory:
-First Impression:
-How close we are out of 10:
-Do I trust you:
Can you name me more like this?! Big Grin <33

- Rosetta - 09-06-2013 11:28 AM

-Rate 1-10
-Tbh (A to be honest)
-Truth is
-First person to like this status – I will put your profile picture as my profile picture for 24 hours!
-LIKE (:
if I saw you, I would ____:
[] Run up and Hug you.
[] Scream your name super loud.
... [] Say hi
... [] Smile (:
[] Give you a hug .
[] Give you a high-five hand hug
[] Get excited Big Grin

rate ?

I honestly think that you're:
[] cute
[] attractive.
[] pretty ^^
[] weird.
[] cool (:
[] nice and sweet.
[] swaggerific

Would i date you ?
[] Definitely
[] Of course
[] Cute, but not my type
[] sure why not?
[] uh no.
[] Not Saying
[] you deserve better(;
[] just friends
[] Mayb (:

If I saw you sleeping on my floor I would:
[] Put a blanket over you ^^
[] Let you sleep
[] Wake you up and tell you to **** off
[] Be like, wtf ?
[] Draw a mustache on your face :}

You should ?
[] Be Mine
[] Post this as your status so I can like it
[] Text me(:
[] hang with me
(Put x's where you choose for that person)

LMS and I'll check off the boxes;
If we walked home I would:
[] Hold your hand
[] Push you in a Bush
[] Trip you
[] Talk to you
[] Ignore you
You are:
[] One of my best friends
[] Friends
[] My ex
[] My worst enemy
[] I don't really know you
We should:
[] Talk more
[] Get to know each other better
[] Chill
[] Text
[] Date
LMS for a rate 1-10 and a like and dislike

-LMS for a "<3" on my favorite photo of you
-LMS for my favorite feature of you

-__ Likes and I'll answer these
Full Name:
Biggest Turn on:
Biggest Turn Off:
Last Person I texted:
Who I Tell Everything To:
Who I Miss:
Favorite Color:
Biggest Fear:
Relationship Status:
The Person I Trust:
Favorite Song:
What I Hate:
Favorite animal:

__ Likes & I'll Answer 33 Question HONESTLY!(:
1. Last Drink;
2. Favorite Song;
3. Bestfriends;
4. Last Text;
5. Thing That Last Made You Laugh;
6. Biggest Fear;
7. Person You Love;
8. Cutest Person That LMS;
9. Dumbest Lie Ever Told;
10. Someone Funny Who LMS;
11. Age;
12. Full Name;
13. Nicknames;
14. Favorite Color;
15. Someone You Miss;
16. Last Thing You Cried About;
17. Future Career;
18. Something You Regret Doing;
19. White Or Chocolate Milk;
20. Favorite mmovie;
21. Last Person You Kissed;
22. Favorite Memory;
23. Grade;
24. Favorite Subject In School;
25. Color Of Undies;
26. Turn On;
27. Turn Off;
28. New Years Resolution;
29. What You Got For Christmas;
30. Favorite Number;
31. Thing That Annoys You;
32. Shoe Size;
33. Birthday