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OMG PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS? - hi - 09-06-2013 04:07 PM

So my arch enemy since kindergarden posted a mean comment on some one else's photo of me. I reported it, and it was removed. But it told me that HE WAS NOTIFIED, but it was anonymous. of course hes gonna know its me, because the comment was pertaining to me. Please say something to make me feel better.
is there a way to make it so he doesn't get notified

- Hydranix - 09-06-2013 04:22 PM

There there, everything will be ok.

- Jake - 09-06-2013 04:34 PM

It isn't you who should be scared, it's your ememy that should. He should know better than to put that up, and act like an idiot. Cyber bullying is worse than Bullying because it just proves that the bully is a coward. And also remember, "what's the worst he can do? Digitally throttle my avatar to death?"

- relievedseashore965 - 09-06-2013 04:48 PM

Relax. I think you did the right thing. Everything will be fine.

- Angeleyes - 09-06-2013 04:53 PM

Please don't worry. You did the right thing reporting this waste of space. I think probably he got notified by saying the post was reported but he wouldn't know it was you, he's probably guessing it was you. You will be ok.