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How to do this stange letters? - Printable Version

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How to do this stange letters? - Mike - 09-07-2013 05:10 AM

I just found it on a facebook status on a random guy and copied it
Ԁ҉Ӏ҉Ҝ҉Ӑ҉Ҏ҉Ӗ҉Ӷ҉Ӎ҉Ӑ҉Ҋ҉Ӑ҉ Ӻ҉Ӑ҉Ҋ҉Ҭ҉Ӑ҉Ԇ҉Ҭ҉ӏ҉Ԇ҉Ҫ҉
any clues how to do this?

- Claudia - 09-07-2013 05:12 AM

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