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Is Mittens trying to appear popular by inventing nonexistent Twitter followers; He's a PHONY!!? - Printable Version

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Is Mittens trying to appear popular by inventing nonexistent Twitter followers; He's a PHONY!!? - я standaяrds ۞ - 09-30-2012 03:47 PM

- AZ123 - 09-30-2012 03:55 PM

Mitt Romney Gets Busted Buying Twitter Followers

By: Jason EasleyJuly 21st, 2012

Something strange is going on with Mitt Romney’s Twitter account. It looks like the Romney campaign is using the Colorado shooting as a distraction to hide their buying 100,000 new Twitter followers.

140ELECT has been keeping an eye on this and providing the data behind Romney’s suspect surge, “Romney was gaining around 3000-4000 new followers per day for the past month. Yesterday he acquired 23,926 new followers and is climbing well over 50,000 today. The hourly stats make it pretty clear where this began.”

At 4 PM on Friday, Romney experienced a sudden rise in followers. This is bizarre because hours earlier in the day, the candidate had pulled himself off of the campaign trail. Mitt Romney is doing absolutely nothing right now, yet his number of Twitter followers continues to skyrocket.

Mitt Romney’s Twitter account gained 23, 926 followers yesterday. As of 2 PM ET, Romney has more than tripled that total with 75,912 new followers. In some of these hours, the official Romney account has only had 700 mentions and 15 retweets, yet tens of thousands of, ” new people” are now following him.

- WickedGoose© - 09-30-2012 03:55 PM

It's a "conservative tradition", LOL!

Most of the "callers" on the Rush Limbaugh radio program are actually PAID ACTORS vetted & managed by this company;

Check it out!​c._mmMRlsPU0Y&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=94272b0bec38be48&biw=1440&bih=771&pf=p&pdl=300

- Earl Hickey - 09-30-2012 03:55 PM

Nobody likes Romney. In fact, even the right-wing hates Romney. Remember, he only became the Republican candidate after all other Republican candidates had shot themselves in the foot.

- Kendra - 09-30-2012 03:55 PM

want free twitter followers? visit