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Why is the check-in on my timeline different from my friend's after I've checked in to a place? - Printable Version

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Why is the check-in on my timeline different from my friend's after I've checked in to a place? - Mich - 09-07-2013 07:25 AM

7 months ago, I'd checked in to XYZ Restaurant with my friend, A.

On my timeline, it read 'XYZ Restaurant -- with A'.
On A's timeline, it read 'XYZ Restaurant' (without my name)

This difference remained till yesterday. Suddenly, our check-ins are the same.

On my timeline, it now reads 'XYZ Restaurant -- with A'.
On A's timeline, it now reads 'XYZ Restaurant' -- with MyName

My name has finally shown up on the check-in after 7 months on A's timeline.

Is this a Facebook glitch that was rectified? Or did A hide my name from the check-in and only chose to let my name show up finally? Does Facebook have such a custom feature?

Thanks loads! =)

- ginadietz - 09-07-2013 07:35 AM

Yes it does