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Social media towards males and females? - Printable Version

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Social media towards males and females? - V Shibuya - 10-13-2012 09:42 AM

Guess this generally towards people in general, but since this is gender studies, goes towards males and females.

Does anyone find it annoying and just plain out dumb that social media is the new wave of communication? If you want to know how someone is, you log onto to a social network. If you want to talk to someone, you log on again. If you want to know something about them, you log on again. So on and so forth. It's everything in social networks is a virtually reality that people place themselves in, and if you aren't a part of it, you cease to exist to them. I am seeing more relationships occur over social networks than actually taking the time to know someone. Some males don't care about social networks, some really do. Some females don't either, but some do also. It's like if you want to know someone, you can't do that anymore upfront. Have to go online and find out.

Do you think social media has affected males and females in a way that is negative? Or do you see that it gives a positive light for males and females (or can say people in general) in connecting more closely together?

- Dry_rubber_Chicken - 10-13-2012 09:50 AM

Given the absurdly detached detached and non human nature of social media folks do tend to let out the worst of themselves. Man hating, woman hating etc.
On top of that it grants an excess of availability, thus further reducing the value of the relationships people have with each other even more than is already happening.
Lastly, people aren't getting to know each other. They are getting to know well aimed 420 or 120 word snippets, best photos and such. That is a whole level less "knowing" than learning those things over the course of time.
Bear in mind also, that women prefer social networking for the fact that it is superficial as all hell.

- Seven - 10-13-2012 09:50 AM

I absolutely see it as a negative. I think they DEsocialize us. Go out anywhere and you'll see people with their noses jammed into their cell phones on Facebook. It's like they're more concerned with letting everyone know what they're doing than actually having fun. And then they aren't even satisfied with that because they've also gotta read and respond to every "comment" made about their "status". They end up spending half their time out worried about Facebook.
Waste of time.

- Fatima Memon - 10-13-2012 09:50 AM

Yes, not only this but due to this
Globaization we hav forgotn our moral valuz. V r abusing ourselvz by uploading our pics on socio net sites nd getng flurthy coments on them. Relations: just a dIsturbd lif not abl 2 setl n family and searching 4 new frndz on facebook.

- Fatima Memon - 10-13-2012 09:50 AM

As with pretty much EVERYTHING, it has good things and bad things to it.
Yes, it's superficial (but since men outnumber women on facebook, I'm not sure why the one poster ranted about women being superficial, some people are just dks, I guess).
Good things: it's cheap and you can inform a bunch of "friends" atonce about what's going on, instead of one by one.
Bad things: you can inform a bunch of people at once about things going on, instead of keeping your drunk fingers off the keyboard.

It's not the tool, it's the tools using it that make it a problem.