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Should I report this guy on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Should I report this guy on Facebook? - Michael - 09-07-2013 07:48 PM

I see a comment on my wall and it came from a guy. He said, "You should change your profile pic because God doesn't like ugly people." He continued to say, "pray to god to change your trainwreck of a face." Do I report him or block him?

- Aasrial - 09-07-2013 07:55 PM

I would block him. The only reason you'd need to report him if he is harassing you. If I were you, I'd block him before that happens.

- Hemanth - 09-07-2013 07:59 PM

Yes that guy needs to be reported, blocking is not a solution.
But unfortunately, even if we report, its not sure that facebook will respond to reports like this. But i say go with the reporting, like in harsh, serious way. His words offends people.


- abraXus - 09-07-2013 08:04 PM

yes, report him - he is bullying and if you just block him, he'll keep doing it to other people, or just create another account and keep doing it to you