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Is facebook bad/ dangerous? - Printable Version

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Is facebook bad/ dangerous? - Limon - 09-08-2013 01:13 AM

Why do you think so?

- DayanB - 09-08-2013 01:21 AM

No, cause it's not billions of people use it every day it's not dangerous. Ok maybe a little dangerous but hardly anything.

- Pewdiepew - 09-08-2013 01:22 AM

It is if you are stupid.

Being stupid I mean post illegal content and hateful things. A guy recently went to jail (jokingly) threatening to kill politicians and several other people, and some boys recently were arrested for posting a video of themselves raping a girl.

Just add people you know and be smart.

- alk99 - 09-08-2013 01:35 AM

It is bad if you are so totally engrosed in it that you think it is real, or if you don't have the sense to realize that it IS public domain... ANYTHING you put on facebook is there for anyone to get hold of if they really want it... reguardless of your "privacy" settings. If you wouldn't say or do it in public... facebook is no place for it either. It is good if you want to keep in touch with friends or family and simply use it as communication in that sense.

- skinnydrum360 - 09-08-2013 01:48 AM

yes and no
it depends on what you post and how much
like school , job, and to much info is given there so much info some put
that they can become you , you see every online free site that you are not paying for is a risk
in its self , the pics and videos that are uploaded are never scanned for a virus

myspace , fb and others and never give your cell phone number to any free sites

- Rey Trasgo - 09-08-2013 01:51 AM

yes and yes
facebook tracks you internet activity, even when you are logged off.
facebook does not respect you privacy.
facebook owns your data, just read their ToS