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How do I unlike a comment on a post in an open Facebook group page? - Printable Version

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How do I unlike a comment on a post in an open Facebook group page? - SavedbyJesus=) - 11-07-2013 07:53 AM

I confess I was Facebook creeping and somehow ended up liking a girl who goes to my University's comment in an open Facebook group page that I am not even a part of. I was on Facebook from my phone, and there is no option for me to "unlike" it- it just says that I liked her comment. I've tried searching how to fix this but haven't had any luck. I know it sounds like I'm making a big deal over this, but I just want to know how. Thanks

- Rock & Blues Fan - 11-07-2013 07:58 AM

Try swiping your finger across the comment. The "unlike" feature might come up. That method worked for my iPhone 4, but I got rid of that about a month ago, so I haven't done that in a while. If that doesn't work, try pressing on the comment. A list of options should appear.