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How do I get more followers on Instagram? - Printable Version

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How do I get more followers on Instagram? - Grace - 11-07-2013 07:58 AM


- Jason - 11-07-2013 08:04 AM

1. Tell all of your friends you have a instagram, and tell them your username.
2. Post racy pics. this works 99.99% of the time.

- layla - 11-07-2013 08:08 AM

The best way to get followers, I find is if you hash tag a lot in the comments. Comment on your own picture, with popular hash tags. The maximum amount of hash tags in a comment is 30.

Tag things like;
#like #likeforlike #like4more #follow #follow4follow #shoutout #followers #instalike #cool #teen #fashion

The tags can be anything, but make them ones that are used often, that way you'll get followers and likers Smile

- savannah - 11-07-2013 08:12 AM

Instagram tags.
Just search it up in the app store. They have apps for tags.

- Emily - 11-07-2013 08:19 AM

Try the below steps to get more followers on instagram,

1.Be selective with your photo uploads
2.Use hashtags
3.Try to use as many hashtags as possible
4.Geotag your photos
5.Follow and compliment other users
6.Make sure your account is public.
7.Share your Instagram photos across your other social networks.
8.Find and invite friends.
9.Check out what popular users are posting on Instagram

- Jessica - 11-07-2013 08:25 AM

There is an app called insta+ I think but if you search Instagram in the App Store you'll see it. It's blue and it manages your followers. What you do is delete the people who are not following back. You can also upgrade to where you can see your ghost followers. What I do is stalk my friends' pages and follow their friends and wait tip they follow back. If they don't than I unfollow.
Answer mine?;_ylt=ApDRquJi2ulfNh1uBvaFEicazKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20130816201558AAVkqym

Oh yes and don't post those repost things like about Jesus & politics. That's a big no no. Also, people like to see original pics of you and your family, friends, landscapes and food (stupid things appeal to stupid audience). Sometimes you can even just take a pic of your shoes and Idk y but people like that stuff. Things that YOU like (ex Pokemon) aren't of interest by your followers. No nos would be gross things. And try to be funny! Not like yolo or swag or anything like that

- Giana - 11-07-2013 08:29 AM

I bought 2000 Instagram followers for $10 from and it came in just 1 day Smile