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How do I reject/say "no" the best/polite way possible in this particular situation? - Printable Version

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How do I reject/say "no" the best/polite way possible in this particular situation? - Tracy - 11-07-2013 07:59 AM

Okay, so here's the thing:

I go to the same college as this girl, J, but we're not in the same course. A little background story - two years ago, J started stalking (for lack of a better word) my group of friends by following them on Twitter, adding them on Facebook and all that social network stuff. But the thing is, we don't know her, we don't talk to her. She was just suddenly there in our lives and wherever we hang out, she'll be around two or three tables away. It was creepy - both how she was everywhere we went and how she got our social network details.

She didn't send me a friend request or follow me at that time but prob only 5-6 months back that she followed me and sent her request. I JUST RECENTLY approved her FB friend request and I only did that out of "pity" and because she was *suddenly* in the club me and my friends were in 2 years ago - meaning that I see her more often now. Then, I thought to myself "Why did I even accept it? I don't even know her" and immediately unfriend the minute I approved. And 2 mins later she sent one again, and it's like fine, I'll accept since you're desperate or something.

Today, she inbox me this on FB:

"hi, can cha follow me on twitter & instagram if u don't mind??? Smile "

And I don't know how to respond to that! She is following me on both and has been for many months to a year. I don't because her tweets are annoying and she posts multiple pictures of herself everyday (I've seen from my friend's feed) and I don't want to see that... And she became one of those Hi / bye and small talk "friends" because she joined the club.

Considering the fact that I'll be seeing her at every club meeting and sometimes around campus and that she now freely joins our (my friends and I) hang out table eventhough none of us know who she is or is close to her... Is there any way I could reject her the best/polite way possible? I mean, I don't wanna be harsh and say "I do mind so no I'm not gonna following you". Confused
In reply to Morningstar: Why are you saying as if she doesn't have her group of friends? She does. My friends and I are just creeped out by her "stalking" tendencies... It's not as if I don't want her as a friend, I mean, because of the club, we had small talk here and there but this question is just merely to ask on how I should reject politely because I don't want to follow a social network account that I'm not interested in viewing. Who said anything about refraining to be friends?

- happyboundary856 - 11-07-2013 08:02 AM

Wow sounds like you've got your hands full with this one. Surprised she's not following you on I mean obviously this girl has major self esteem issues or something deep where she feels the need to fit into this group. I think maybe you should do this gently. Maybe start off by saying 'I really only follow those who I know pretty well, nothing against you but I don't know you too well. I hope you understand."
Not too harsh but yet getting the message across. Hope this helps Smile

- Morningstar - 11-07-2013 08:11 AM

Why haven't you given her a chance? Do you truly not understand that she is asking for friendship? In a most humiliating way she has approached your group and been silently rejected. Picture yourself in her situation. While you and the group are enjoying the social benefits of being together, she is all by herself. Why do you not feel any guilt about shutting someone out?