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How about privatizing Social Security and linking it to Wall Street and Stock Market ? - Printable Version

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How about privatizing Social Security and linking it to Wall Street and Stock Market ? - Top Contributor - 10-13-2012 10:32 AM

That way next time the stock market tanks we can throw all the old retired people on the street and repo their homes.
That we we can reduce everybody's taxes and eliminate social security payments.

- Vladimir Lenin - 10-13-2012 10:40 AM

How about I take all your money and spread it around.

- Someone - 10-13-2012 10:40 AM

I think privatizing it would be great and I am one of those old people but smart enough to save for retirement. Most seniors are currently well off. Those depending on SS for income would just be moved to Welfare and you still would be paying. And since 3/4 receiving funds from Social Security are SSI, those who start collecting at age 4 you are still stuck paying for them.

- Mr. Smartypants - 10-13-2012 10:40 AM

LOL! GW Bush came to office desperately wanting to privatize SS, but even his fellow Republicans wouldn't hear of it. Bush said he only wanted to privatize 1/6 of the SS funds, but he never explained how he would replace that 1/6 of money going out to recipients.

At the same time (early in Bush's first term) there were a number of scandals on Wall Street--brokerage houses doing insider trading, recommending stocks they knew were crap and then betting against their sucker investors, manipulating stock prices, etc. etc. Democrats wanted new reforms and re-regulation but Bush insisted no re-regulation was necessary, that Wall Street could regulate itself. This played a big part in the worst financial meltdown in 80 years, which happened during Bush's second term.

Republicans STILL aren't able to take responsibility for this catastrophe. They still insist that somehow Obama is responsible for it, even though it happened more than two years before he came to office.

Under the circumstances, though, aren't you glad Bush's plan failed?

- R - 10-13-2012 10:40 AM

That might work...if Social Security were a mismanaged retirement/pension fund. But it isn't. It's an insurance pool....but I think you already know that...

- rope a dope - 10-13-2012 10:40 AM

How about we leave it with the government, which is the only place less stable than the stock market!!! So instable that its BANKRUPT!!! Seriously, would you invest in any company that wastes half of every dollar it spends and spends about twice as much as it makes??? Social security is bankrupt like all big government programs are or are going to be, you won't get any of it, grow up.

- Leslie Goudy - 10-13-2012 10:40 AM

I am one of those people also and I have always refused to buy stock as I hate the Fed. Why would we want to buy something that tanks because a privately owned Bank funds and finances it and has more power than POTUS. Some people do Businesses do not want to invest now and the Fed is hiding 2 trillion dollars in treasury bonds between them and Goldman Sachs. No Privatization...ever.