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"Unfriended" or "Never Friended In The First Place" on Facebook? - Printable Version

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"Unfriended" or "Never Friended In The First Place" on Facebook? - timid_worrywart - 11-08-2013 02:24 AM

I have a distant relative (who is a teenager, and I am not remotely one) that has 50+ friends in common with me on Facebook. I swear I thought we were already "friends" on Facebook, but when I went to invite her to an event, she was not in my "friends" list. I sent her an email separately, but I wondered... Is there any way to tell if I already "friended" her, and she has since "unfriended" me, or whether I simply never added her in the first place? Just want to be courteous. Thank you. Smile

- Tigger - 11-08-2013 02:30 AM

I don't think there's a way to tell if someone Unfriended you, unless you've been keeping track of the Friends you've added. There have been scams running around about programs that supposedly can tell you if someone has unfriended you.

However, there is a list of friends on your Facebook page, so you can see if your relative is there.

Good luck!

- Daniel - 11-08-2013 02:31 AM

There is No Way to Tell That you Have To Remember your Friending History Facebook Does Not Tell Who Unfriended Who

- LaMpArD - 11-08-2013 02:39 AM

You Are Worrying A Lot Man,If You Both Did Not Have A "Fight",Then There Are 99% Chances That She Has Deactivated Her Facebook Account,Hence "You Are Not Seeing Her In Your Friendlist".So,Be Patient,Hopefully She Will Re-Activate Her FB Back,And You Will Be Able To See Her As Your Friend Again.