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How can i get more followers on twitter? - Printable Version

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How can i get more followers on twitter? - Thats just me. - 09-30-2012 03:55 PM

Does anyone know of anyways to get more followers on twitter, like asking people to follow me, asking for shoutouts, doing things in return and i just cant seem to get many. Someone please help :-)
P.S my twitter is @KatieLM96 and i will follow everyone who follows me and thats a promise
Thank you in advance <3

- D0N - 09-30-2012 04:03 PM

Use ur Facebook account and you'll get some.

- Jasper - 09-30-2012 04:03 PM

I understand that you just want to have as many followers as you can possible have, but just think a moment why you want that. In my perception it's not about the quantity but about the quality of your followrs, in other words it's better to have less followers who interact a lot with you. Than 500 followers that are company's or people that only spam tweets ,because you can't interact with them. This is what I wanted to say about how I see it, now I will answer your question.

The best you can do is to follow or retweet people, there is a great chance that people will follow you back. Second tip is to search for twitter account like "teamfollowback" or "lets all followback" then follow these accounts and all the followers of these twitter accounts. Most of these people want the same as you, a lot of followers. And these people want to follow you back if you will follow them.

- jos360 - 09-30-2012 04:03 PM

I use Twiends to build my followers. It really does work. Smile I was curious about the site before, and I gained about 15 followers in 1 minute. This was a huge shock for me. It's a little hard to explain how it works, but read about it here:

the actuall twiend website is

- Sara - 09-30-2012 04:03 PM

I followed you Smile... @KayleeMarie1187