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Why I can't mention my friends on Facebook ? - Printable Version

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Why I can't mention my friends on Facebook ? - herosemsem2000 - 11-09-2013 04:32 AM

I use @ mark & type some lettersas usual but nothing appears

- Matt - 11-09-2013 04:39 AM

<object onclick="'');" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="120" height="240" data=""><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="quality" value="high"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param></object>
this website just got me 300$ just today.. it very easy.

facebook sometimes does that just retry it!

- Artemisc - 11-09-2013 04:44 AM

Are you putting a space between @ and the name like you did in your question?

- confused - 11-09-2013 04:45 AM

You don't leave a space before putting the name!
@ mark won't work
@mark will

Good luckSmile

- Sara - 11-09-2013 04:50 AM

Just type their name as it appears on their Facebook profile using no @ or # (hash tags). Make sure to use capital letters (if in your friends profile) and spaces in between first and last names.

- JAMES I - 11-09-2013 04:51 AM

It should work. Can you contact Facebook regarding the issue? Smile

- Justin - 11-09-2013 05:01 AM

I loged out & relogged in & updated firefox and the problem is gone Smile Thanks eveybody