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Accidently changed my profile picture on facebook to something embarassing? - Printable Version

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Accidently changed my profile picture on facebook to something embarassing? - EarlyRise - 11-10-2013 07:00 PM

I had this picture of a girl on my laptop (nothing rude) and when I tried changing my picture on facebook I accidently clicked on it instead of the actual picture I wanted and I think people saw but I'm still quite embarrassed and I don't know how to explain what happened...
ok it may not seem embarrassing to you but it was to me

- Pooks - 11-10-2013 07:10 PM

Oh no, that really is embarrassing.

- Lullaby❤ - 11-10-2013 07:26 PM

Say it was a friend mucking about or your little cousin or something. If people saw then they won't remember for long so try not worry! At least it was nothing rude!

- CHARLIE THE PUG - 11-10-2013 07:40 PM

Lolz just post a difrent picture such as trolling making it look like you where just messing around fb then if anyone saw it theyll be like hes just trolling around i troll all the time with my horse mask

- Izzy - 11-10-2013 07:41 PM

Say you were going to photoshop/draw the picture of her or you thought she looked like someone but you couldn't remember who so you saved it. Make an excuse, it's not so bad! x

- Leanne - 11-10-2013 07:45 PM

Just laugh it off and treat it like its no big deal, then thats how everyone else will treat it. Just comment casually on your facebook saying something like 'whoops, accidentally clicked on that pic and it turned into my profile pic, lol' and just leave it at that. nobody is going to remember it an hour later!

- Daniel - 11-10-2013 07:57 PM

As Long as you Changed it Really Quickly i Would Not Worry Too Much About it that Happens Sometimes