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Jus uploaded iOS7 and all my photos are gone !!!!!!? - Printable Version

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Jus uploaded iOS7 and all my photos are gone !!!!!!? - Matilde - 11-11-2013 09:47 PM

I'm soooo stressed right now! I've just updated iOS7 on my iPhone 4 and all of my 9000< are gone! Just missing!
The main thing is that on iTunes it showed that there still was 14gb taken with photos, but now (after ~5mins) it shows that "the others" is 14gb .
I'm afraid to click to iCloud because I don't think I saved anything there, and I'm aslo afraid to re-start my phone...
WHAT TO DOOO, wise people ?

- pri✍ - 11-11-2013 09:54 PM

What photos? I mean where's the photo that you think is missing, in your device or FB?
Anyhow, no way updating your ios ONLINE, will delete your photos.
Try to look at your file manager if it's in your device; give time if it's in your FB.

- Peeka - 11-11-2013 10:06 PM