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adding a girl on facebook you dont know? - Printable Version

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adding a girl on facebook you dont know? - Jay - 11-12-2013 01:22 AM

I don't know this girl but I saw her on facebook and she goes to the same University I do. I have never seen her in real life though would it be creepy if I added her as a friend or should I message her first that I see you go to this uni and start a conversation like that?
p.s she doesn't know me either I wanted to add her so I could know her, I know she definitely goes to the same uni as me because I've seen her out clubbing before but I don't think she's seen me.

- Ryan - 11-12-2013 01:24 AM

No. Don't be a creep. Grow a set, and talk to her at the person.

- Kris - 11-12-2013 01:27 AM

next time you see her open the door for her or something, pick up anything she drops,

if that fails try and get next to her and just knock her with your bag, then say sorry

keep doing stuff like that then add her

i would say about 7 out of 10 girls find it creepy when a stranger adds them, some are nice

other option is to maybe add one of her friends first, if she doesnt accept or asks who you are, wait a few weeks and try again with another one of her friends

- Mike - 11-12-2013 01:28 AM

"I have never seen her in real life though.. I know she definitely goes to the same uni as me because I've seen her out clubbing before but I don't think she's seen me. " Well have you seen her or not?! And just talk to her in person guy

- RK - 11-12-2013 01:30 AM

unless your profile picture looks super great, or if she is super sociable and recognized you went to the same uni, or if you are an extremely tallented wordsmith, you will more or less be one of the hundreds of men who try to add her. so you need to stand out somehow from the ocean of wierdos who add her. and also ask yourself if you are one of those. i would suggest you finding a common friend, and ask him to introduce you. this will significantly increase your chances of not getting blocked.

- RAB - 11-12-2013 01:38 AM

Talk to her maybe once or twice then add her

- andy homebuyer - 11-12-2013 01:53 AM

you said you've never seen her in real life but you've seen her out clubbing. Maybe spend less time stalking people on Facebook and go talk to a real person so you can separate fantasy from reality.