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How to change to my oldself? - Printable Version

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How to change to my oldself? - eunice - 11-12-2013 03:11 AM

My best friend and I got in an agrument the other day. And while we were arguing, she told me that i've changed. She said that i'm a self centered, bitchy, mean person. And back then i was nice and wasnt like that. And i felt pretty bad. So idk how to change into my old self, its hard... Any advice for me to change back into myself?thanks

- mikey m - 11-12-2013 03:14 AM

that happens to friends after awile. sometimes you might just grow apart. god, i am not dr. phil.....

- Jim - 11-12-2013 03:19 AM

human beings change. every 7 years you are a different person. the change is not instant.

- Samantha - 11-12-2013 03:24 AM

You might not want to change to your old self. Probably your new self is a lot better, because you've learned life lessons and you've grown as a person. If your friend cannot handle that, or does not like who you have become, then maybe she needs to grow up a little herself, or maybe the friendship needs a break while you each figure out who you are, and how you fit into each others lives.

The important thing is to respect one another and to be kind. Your friendship will probably be ok, but maybe either taking a break from it or just being extra gentle with one another's feelings for a while would be a good idea.

GOod luck!